

  • 1 Year Certificate
  • KravaSign App
  • 30 day warranty
  • Notification + VPN Support
  • 1 device



  • 1 Year Certificate
  • KravaSign App
  • 365 day warranty
  • Notification + VPN Support
  • Multiple device support
How do I proceed after a purchase?

Once you have bought one of our plans please join our discord to proceed with your order.

(You can find our discord on the home page)

What devices are supported?

Standard Plan

Your choice of either sigining 1 iPhone, 1 iPad or 1 AppleTv.

Professional Plan

1 iPhone, 1 iPad, 1 AppleTv and 1 Vision Pro together.

What entitlements are supported?

We support all the nessesary entitlements for sideloading

Push notifications, Allow VPN, HealthKit, iCloud, NFC Reading, and more to make your sideloading experience amaizng.