Terms Of Service

  1. General Information
  • Prohibited Actions: You agree not to replicate, sell, or misuse any part of the KravaSign services.
  • Service Limitations: We do not guarantee that the service will meet all your expectations or that it will always function smoothly, securely, or without errors.
  • Liability Disclaimer: KravaSign is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that might occur from using the service, transmitting data, or making payments through our platform.
  • Acceptance of Terms: By using KravaSign, you agree to these terms, which replace any previous agreements or understandings you may have had with us. You agree that you understand the processing time & blacklist period may apply to you.
  1. Payment and Refund Policy
  • Account Monitoring: We reserve the right to cancel access without notice if suspicious activity is detected.
  • Additional Fees: Payments are processed by third-party services, and extra fees may apply depending on your payment method.
  • Refunds: Refunds are not provided if an app does not meet your expectations or if Apple revokes a certificate. We only refund if we are the ones at fault or your device hasn't been processed. If you chargeback you will be blacklisted from kravasign.